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COOPER - A Little Red Gem...

I think Cooper made himself very well known in the first month after we bailed him out of the pound. At every chance he got, he was running along the highway towards Cloncurry. It was VERY SAD as we think he may have been chasing after the family who had initially saved him from a very bad situation but had to leave him behind.

However, with lots of love and care from carers, Drew and Nicola, Cooper has settled down and has become a total little gentleman.... He has even befriended the kitten which was rescued by our foster family and has looked after it since it arrived on the scene... Cooper (nicknamed Red) is a delightful little fellow who likes people and is a very loyal and affectionate boy... Whilst he looks big in his photos, he is actually quite a small dog.

To meet this engaging little man, ring Sue on 0456664255.

Cooper (Red)

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