Flo's Luck Changes When Fate Steps In...
Flo was just another forlorn little pup which had been abandoned and forgotten on the streets of Mornington Island. Fortunately for Flo, a new employee who had recently arrived on the island, spotted the pup and realised that her chances of survival weren't too promising without help. Rhi (a former carer for PHC) took the pup under her wing and made sure that she had plenty of food and love.
One of the problems on Mornington is that a vet only visits the island every few months which makes it very difficult to keep up with vaccinations and other health issues. Rhi had just organised for PHC to take Flo into care when the pup presented with Parvo... This called for urgent action and some improvisation. Luckily, an ambulance officer was able to hook Flo up to a drip to keep her hydrated and, with over the phone advice from our vet Gillian, human medication was used and the doses adapted to suit the pup.
Flo was one of the lucky ones and she recovered just in time to fly to Mount Isa with Brad Nunn on Friday so she has already settled in with one of our carers - Penny.
Flo is such a quirky and special little lady that her carers have already fallen for her charms... She loves other dogs and children and has a delightful personality and to top it all off she is soooo pretty.
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Dog adoptions: 0499 198 949
Cat adoptions: 0421 944 539
All other enquires: 0499 198 949
rescue@pawshoofsandclaws.com (general enquiries)
Paws Hoofs and Claws Inc.
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