Keepa Is A Happy Little Vegemite...
What a difference a few days can make in a little fellow's life. Less than a week ago, Keepa was protesting loudly in a cage at our vet's surgery.. He wasn't sick and he wasn't happy! Keepa had been found in the street so was dropped to the surgery but facebook posts produced NO owner.
With our current shortage of carers PHC were unable to get him into foster care but my post last Monday attracted some offers.... Thank you Diana for taking on the feisty boy and introducing him carefully to your own dogs as we had already seen a bit of attitude. Now "butter wouldn't melt in his mouth!"
Diana tells me that he has taken a shine to her big fellow and follows him about like super glue and imitates his behaviour. He is a smart boy and is already learning some manners. He sits for treats, goes outside to the toilet (mostly) and takes himself to bed when he needs a nap.
He is running about happily with the other dogs so he gets plenty of exercise playing with them. Keepa is also very alert and soon lets you know if a stranger is about.
This young lad will prove to be a great little family dog. Ring Sue on 0456664255 if you are keen to meet him.
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All other enquires: 0499 198 949 (general enquiries)
Paws Hoofs and Claws Inc.
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