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Major!! What a Major Turnaround For This Lad....

When Major entered the pound, he was skin and bones and quite wary of people...Now, just a month later, this boy has filled out and is looking good plus his confidence has also improved... Major went down to Kelly and Hannah and their menagerie in Julia Creek to be fostered..

At first, he had no clue how to play with the other dogs but now he is loving their company .. Apparently, Major and Celio have become good friends and often lie together in the sun which is great news for two of our foster boys. Major is growing in leaps and bounds and promises to be quite a size. We are guessing that he is a Bull Arab which explains his easy going nature - now that he has put fear behind him.
He is also a clever boy and is keen to learn so he has been learning some simple commands. (Check out the video coming next!)
He is now also comfortable around horses so he is becoming an all rounder and his enthusiasm for life is contagious...

If you are looking for an affectionate and loyal marshmallow, Major could be your boy. Ring Sue on 0456664255 to express your interest.


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