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This little mite is a boy and can be reserved.

Zippy - Papita's Pup

  • Papita was brought to the Isa and put in the pound with another small breed dog. The first thing I noticed were her swollen teats and I knew she must have been feeding puppies but no one knew anything about them. We bailed her out of the pound as soon as we could and took her to the vet where medication was prescribed to help dry up her milk supply.
    We dropped Papita at her foster carer's place and she appeared to be frantically searching for her pups - running up and down the fence line and scrabbling at the gate..... it was quite upsetting.

    As it happens, our foster carer had a young pup who was happy to suckle on Papita so the carer delayed giving Papita her medication which turned out to be a Godsend. A day after Papita's release, eight tiny bundles with their eyes barely open, were brought in from Camooweal. We thought Papita would be over the moon but she didn't want a bar of her babies...........three days apart and lots of strange human smells on the pups and all the stress and confusion of the last few days was too much for her. We had quite a job re-introducing her pups but Papita did finally accept them and became a wonderful little mum. This was such a relief for us all because we didn't look forward to handfeeding eight pups. Paula has been on hand to feed Mum and check on all her little charges.

    Papita is a Fox Terrier X so her puppies are also likely to be a small breed...right now they are tiny little handfuls. We would like to have homes ready for these darlings when they are ready to leave mum.
    Ring Paula (0499198949) or Sue (0456664255) to register your interest.

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