Fear Can Be a Debilitating Emotion.....
Rylie is a beautiful creamy Wolfhound who PHC recently rescued from the pound... She was incredibly timid and scared and spent her time at the pound hiding under the bench. Thanks to Paula, we have been able to take Rylie into care so that we can help her to overcome her fear and distrust of people....
Fortunately, she responded well when she met Paula's menagerie and soon realised that they were happy and well cared for... After 24 hours, her tail came out from between her legs and she gradually inched closer to her carers.
We have had Rylie for just over a week, and I'm happy to say that she has been improving a little each day and has come close enough to receive an occasional pat... This is wonderful progress after watching her cower in abject fear when we first bailed her out... I think the presence of calm and happy dogs is always a huge plus when we get a dog in this terrified condition.
This is one of those times when I wish a dog could talk and tell us what has gone wrong... Then perhaps it is better that we do not know.... Sometimes I am totally appalled at the way some people can treat their animals without a single thought for their feelings or welfare....
Thank goodness that these monsters are far outweighed by the wonderful caring people in this world. Watch our page for further updates on the progress of this precious Wolfhound.
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Dog adoptions: 0499 198 949
Cat adoptions: 0421 944 539
All other enquires: 0499 198 949
rescue@pawshoofsandclaws.com (general enquiries)
Paws Hoofs and Claws Inc.
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