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UPPY PROJECT 2020: Drink To New Year!! Shiraz, Sangria or Shandy?
Take Your Pick!

Shiraz and two of her delightful pups were bailed out of the pound not long before the new decade began....
Shiraz is a Staffy X Pittie and what a wonderful personality she has... She is sociable and ever so clever... She learns new commands quickly and does her best to please. She loves the company of her carers - Falcon and Georgia - and gets on with her foster buddies.
Shiraz is looking great after a couple of weeks of high quality nutrition so her previous skeletal frame has filled out nicely and her coat is starting to shine again.

Her two female pups are Sangria and Shandy who are very similar in appearance. Shandy is a slightly lighter gold than her sister and has less black on her tail.. The pups are quite gentle so promise to be much like their patient mum and they have also gained weight and are in the peak of condition.

To meet the beautiful Shiraz and her two daughters, ring Sue on 0456664255.


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