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DIGBY Kicks Up His Heels......

Digby is yet another of our "teenage" dogs". He is growing in leaps and bounds but is still convinced that he is a lap dog and loves to sit on his carer's lap whenever he can...
There is one thing he loves even more and that is water in any shape or form... Whether it be shell pools, swimming pools, waterholes or creeks - they all shout FUN!! And Digby is quick to answer the call and, in no time, he is in his element splashing about with carefree exuberance. It is a joy to watch him having the time of his life. (The one 'water' exception is bath time...LOL)

Digby is going to a be a big lad and like most large dogs he is a marshmallow... He has a wonderful temperament and likes to socialise with people and other dogs... After a bad start, this boy is gaining confidence and trust every day and more of his personality is shining through. All in all, he has a lot of love to share.

Ring Sue on 0456664255 to meet this handsome black and white lad.


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