Dog adoptions: 0499 198 949
Cat adoptions: 0421 944 539
All other enquires: 0499 198 949 (general enquiries)
Paws Hoofs and Claws Inc.
Why Sponsor PHC?
Paws Hoofs and Claws Inc. (PHC) is a non-profit charitable organisation with a focus on the welfare of all domestic animals. We rely heavily on our fundraising events as well as the generosity of companies, businesses and members of the public to continue our work. All donations large or small are gratefully accepted and together, enable us to rescue and rehome abandoned animals and those which find themselves on death-row through no fault of their own. We also work continuously to reunite lost and found animals with their owners.
Additionally, we work on projects which educate the public about the correct care of their animals. We will be looking at a plan of action to implement a spay and neuter program to encourage all owners of pets to desex their animals in an attempt to reduce the large numbers of unwanted animals. Our ultimate goal is to establish a permanent purpose-built shelter where we can care for animals in a more appropriate environment until such time as we are able to place them in permanent loving homes.
How can your Business get involved?
There are many ways in which your business can get involved with supporting Paws Hoofs and Claws Inc. and it provides an excellent opportunity for companies to reach out to animal lovers and find an audience that believes deeply in animal welfare. We are only able to fulfill our mission and serve the animals and people of the North West through the generous support of our community.
When you become a corporate partner of PHC, you send a powerful message to your customers and employees that you support and care about animals in our community — in turn; you directly and positively impact the lives of hundreds of animals in need.
Levels of Sponsorship
$10,000 one off donation OR $,1000 a month
Large advertising space will be provided on our website and Facebook Page which will enable you to display your business logo and services / products with the wording of your choice;
A vehicle magnet promoting your corporate logo will be displayed on one of our vehicles;
You will receive invitations for four (4) people to all our fundraising events and functions;
Your corporate / business banner will be displayed prominently at our fundraising events and other events;
You will receive an embossed Platinum framed certificate to hang in your business place to identify your business as a supporter of Paws Hoofs and Claws Inc.;
You will receive a box of pens printed with “Proud Supporter of Paws Hoofs and Claws Inc.” to give to your clients and customers;
Your corporate / business logo will be represented in our newsletters throughout the year in a larger format;
Our members will be strongly encouraged to use your business wherever applicable;
We will verbally acknowledge your businesses support at any of our public events;
Your business will receive a tax deductible receipt at the end of each financial year.
$7,500 one off donation OR $750 a month
Medium advertising space will be provided on our website and Facebook Page which will enable you to display your business logo and services / products with the wording of your choice;
You will receive invitations for two (2) people to all our fundraising events and functions;
You will receive an embossed Gold framed certificate to hang in your business place to identify your business as a supporter of Paws Hoofs and Claws Inc.;
You will receive a box of pens printed with “Proud Supporter of Paws Hoofs and Claws Inc.” to give to your clients and customers;
Your corporate / business logo will be represented in our newsletters throughout the year in a medium format;
Our members will be strongly encouraged to use your business wherever applicable;
Your business will receive a tax deductible receipt at the end of each financial year.
$5,000 one off donation OR $500 a month
Small advertising space will be provided on our website and Facebook Page which will enable you to display your business logo and services / products with the wording of your choice;
You will receive invitations for two (2) people to all our fundraising events and functions;
You will receive an embossed Silver framed certificate to hang in your business place to identify your business as a supporter of Paws Hoofs and Claws Inc.;
You will receive a box of pens printed with “Proud Supporter of Paws Hoofs and Claws Inc.” to give to your clients and customers;
Your corporate / business logo will be represented in our newsletters throughout the year in a larger format;
Our members will be strongly encouraged to use your business wherever applicable;
Your business will receive a tax deductible receipt at the end of each financial year.
$2,500 one off donation OR $250 a month
Advertising space will be provided on our website and Facebook Page which will enable you to display your business logo;
You will receive an embossed Bronze framed certificate to hang in your business place to identify your business as a supporter of Paws Hoofs and Claws Inc.;
You will receive a box of pens printed with “Proud Supporter of Paws Hoofs and Claws Inc.” to give to your clients and customers;
Your corporate / business logo will be represented in our newsletters throughout the year in a larger format; Your business will receive a tax deductible receipt at the end of each financial year.